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作者: 来源: 发布时间:2020-07-17 点击量:


               吴  鸿   博士  



1: (主持)云南省教育厅项目“社会网络影响最大化研究”

2: (主持)中国科学院云南省天文台联合项目“野外台站长期无线电干扰数据规律统计性研究”

3: (主持)云南省地方高校联合项目“基于大规模社会网络的竞争与合作影响最大化研究”

4.: 参与云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目(2017ZZX133).基于随机游走的大规模社交网影响传播关键技术研究, 2017 1 -2019 1 月。



[1]Hong Wu(吴鸿) , Weiyi Liu, Kun Yue, Weipeng Huang, Ke Yang.Maximizing the Spreadof Competitive Influence in a Social Network Oriented toViral Marketing.Proceedings of WAIM’2015 Conference, Springer Inc., LNCS 9098,2015: 516−519.(CCF C 类会议,EI)

[2] HongWu(吴鸿) , Weiyi Li, KunYue, Jin Li, and Weipeng Huang. Selecting Seeds forCompetitive Influence SpreadMaximization in Social Networks. Proceedings ofICYCSEE’2016 Conference,Springer Inc., 2016: 600−611. (EI)

[3] HongWu(吴鸿) , Zhijian Zhang,Kun Yue, Binbin Zhang, Weiyi Liu. Maximizing theCooperative Influence Spread ina Social Network Oriented to Viral Marketing.Proceedings of APWeb Workshops’2016 Conference. Springer Inc., LNCS 9865,2016: 1−13. (CCF C类会议,EI)

[4]HongWu (吴鸿), Kun Yue, Yujie Wang, Xiaodong Fu, Weiyi Liu. Parallel SeedSelection forInfluence Maximization Based on k-shell Decomposition. Proceedingsof COLLABORATECOM 2016. (CCF C 类会议,EI)

[5] QiyuFang, Kun Yue, Xiaodong Fu, HongWu(吴鸿), and Weiyi Liu. A MapReduce-Based Method for LearningBayesianNetwork from Massive Data. Proceedings of APWeb 2013 Conference,Springer Inc.,LNCS 7808, 2013: 697708. (CCFC 类会议,EI)

[6] Ke Yang, Weiyi Liu, Hong Wu (吴鸿), Kun Yue.Analysis of Evolutionary Stability of FundsFlows in Financial Networks.Proceedings of Congress on EvolutionaryComputation (CEC), IEEE Society, 2015,3340-3345. (EI)

[7] Weiyi Liu, Kun Yue, Hong Wu (吴鸿), Jin Li,Donghua Liu,Duanping Tang. Containment of competitive influence spread in socialnetworks.Knowledge-Based Systems. Elsevier Inc., 2016, 109: 266-275. (SCI,IF=3.325, EI)

[8]ZhijianZhang, Hong Wu (吴鸿),Kun Yue, Jin Li, and Weiyi Liu. Influence Maximization for CascadeModel withDiffusion Decay in Social Networks. Proceedings of ICYCSEE2016Conference, Springer Inc., 2016: 418427. (EI)

[9] Ke Yang, Kun Yue, HongWu (吴鸿), Jin Li,Weiyi Liu. Evolutionary Analysis and Computing of the FinancialSafety Net.Proceedings of MIWAI 2016, Springer, LNCS 10053: 255-267.

[10] Ke Yang, Kun Yue, Heng Zhu, Hong Wu,WeiyiLiu. Stability Analysis of Information Disclosure Game in a P2P LendingPlatform.Proceedings of ICIM 2017, ACM(EI,已录用)


1. 吴鸿, 岳昆, 刘惟一, 张彬彬, 李劲. 社会网络合作影响传播最大化的初始用户选择方法. (申请号:201511017710.6)

2. 吴鸿, 岳昆, 王钰杰, 张志坚, 刘惟一. 社交网络影响传播中初始用户选取方法. (申请


3. 张彬彬, 岳昆, 郝佳, 王娟, 武浩, 吴鸿. 基于贝叶斯网的虚拟机底层环境特征分析与性能度量方法.(申请号:201610956901.7)

4. 张志坚, 岳昆, 刘惟一, 吴鸿. 一种基于随机游走的社会网络信息传播源定位方法.

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